
Hey Alpharetta,

We’re rebuilding a playground!

Not just any playground, Alpharetta’s most popular playground.

Wacky World Next Generation

Our Vision

Like all playgrounds, Wacky World has brought joy and laughter to thousands of children. However, the older the playground gets, the more difficult it is to maintain its safety and inclusivity.

Now, the time has come for us to lead the way once again by updating our Wacky World with the latest adaptive surfacing and equipment.

Your support through volunteering time or donating money, materials, or services will help create an inclusive space where every child can play.

Build Together. Play together.

Claim Your Picket

Did you or your family support the Wacky World build in 1997 by purchasing a picket?

This was such a wonderful way for our community to be part of the last build. The most frequently asked question, is how do I get my picket? Complete the form below and one of our team members will contact you to schedule your pick-up at Alpharetta City Hall. 

2 Park Plaza, Alpharetta, GA 30009

The remaining unclaimed pickets will be used by our partner school, The Lionheart, for students to make artwork.

Wacky World’s History.

Wacky World's Story began in May of 1997.

The community came together to build Alpharetta’s premier playground in just 6 days.

A total of 2,673 volunteers dedicated their time across 3,000 shifts, generously contributing their skills and the donations of money, materials, and services to construct a one-acre playground suitably named by the local school children as Wacky World.

The infectious spirit of coming together and participating marked a milestone in our community's history. Now, 26 years later, we aim to recapture those moments as we rebuild the playground for the next generation of families to enjoy.

Meet the Committee